Bangor High School Senior Portraits | Sarah
I love it when other high school students that I know recommend me to their friends. During the winter I work part time as a swim official for high school meets (I was a springboard diver back in high school), and one of Bangor’s best swimmers, David, who I chat with at meets, sent me a message saying I HAD to convince Sarah to book with me and that he’d already told her all about me. Because David is awesome, I got in contact with her and sent along my senior magazine. Luckily, this gal booked with me, because she was a lot of fun and full of energy! Not only is she athletic (up until this year she did three sports a year!), but she’s an AP junkie who wants to someday be a nurse. With your drive, Sarah, I don’t think much is holding you back. Thanks for all the laughs!