Bangor Maine Couple Photographer | Lexi & Matt
I’ve known Lexi for a little while now– she was one of my fabulous assistants/second shooters this year, and I always loved bringing her to weddings because not only did she produce great results, but she was someone who definitely understood my slightly kooky sense of humor and wit (a definite requirement for those spending the entire day with me)! She and her husband, Matt, wanted not only photos of themselves done but new head shots as well! To get two different looks, we shot for part of the time at a parking garage and at a local field. Lexi was effervescent around Matt, who clearly brings out the best in her– I couldn’t help but grin and laugh when I saw her face light up over and over again! And Matt was one of the easiest guys I’ve ever photographed, as he came to our session very aware of how to best pose himself and carefully checked his clothes for rumples throughout his session, which… WAS TOTALLY AWESOME! High five, guys– you were totally awesome to work with (as I knew you would be!)
Here are my favorites from our time together!