Bangor Maine Senior Portrait Photographer | Taylor, 2013 Bangor High School Senior Rep
One true sign that summer is coming is when senior portrait season arrives. I LOVE photographing seniors– there’s nothing better than wandering around a couple of locations and getting to know someone new.
Taylor is my Bangor High School senior rep. I photograph all of my representatives twice– the first is a shorter session for my promotional materials (I can’t WAIT to show them to everyone once they’re done!), and the second is a longer, regular session. This was my first session with Taylor. She’s absolutely wonderful– not only does she have great style (I especially love her first outfit), but she’s a very poised and warm individual who I really had a lot of fun with.
By the way– she confided to me at the beginning that she was a little nervous (many of the seniors I shoot are at the beginning– it’s normal!). This first photo was taken within the first ten minutes. Nervous? Pshaw. More like gorgeous!