Maine Portrait Photographers | Featured on Lemonade and Lenses
If I had to compare photography magazine/inspiration blog Lemonade and Lenses to a teenage boy, it would be that guy in high school that half of the girls were absolutely in love with. He had it all– not only was he drop-dead gorgeous, but he was nice and friendly and probably had a girlfriend (much to all of our disappointment). And he was definitely popular, but for all of the right reasons.
I’ve never been that shy with guys (well, perhaps a LITTLE shy in high school), but when I sent Lauren’s artsy garden portraits to Lemonade and Lenses I was a little bit nervous to find out if they’d be interested in featuring the session. But they did! And I suddenly felt like that girl in all of those cheesy teen comedies who scores the boyfriend of her dreams by the end of the flick. THANKS, Lemonade and Lenses, for picking me and featuring my session!
To provide some background information about Lemonade and Lenses (and to get away from my hot guy comparison)– it’s a magazine, founded by very popular senior portrait photographer Lexi Vornberg, that seeks to showcase excellent portrait and wedding work. Lemonade and Lenses also features photographers and photography sessions on their blog during the week. It’s grown exponentially recently, and I believe it’s one of the most popular portrait inspiration websites!
View the Lemonade and Lenses feature here.