Maine Portraits | The Sturgeon Family

It’s been years since I’ve seen my cousin Addie and Drew, who have been stationed in Germany while Drew has served in the Air Force.  I hadn’t even met Gemma yet, their precocious and rather independent two year old who was born overseas during their stay in Germany.  When I was asked to do their family portraits when they traveled to Maine in July,  I enthusiastically said yes.  I do not actively photograph families anymore, but I kind of wanted to spend an afternoon with Addie and Drew, and play around with this adorable and spunky little gal I’d only seen in photos and videos.

Addie grew up riding horses, and Gemma has had little experience with them, so we took her to Sweet Hollow Farm to meet some “neigh-neighs.”  She enjoyed them, but I think she enjoyed finding and carrying rocks (her latest passion!) just as much.

Let’s get on with the photos!  Are these not the most adorable little cowboy boots you’ve ever seen?

And the cutest family!

Notice how Gemma is always carrying rocks… or the pile of rocks next to Gemma in the photo on the right!

It was a humid day, but it was beautiful out– soft light, gorgeous woodsy areas and fields…

Look at that big step!  Love it.

There’s nothing that makes me smile more than seeing kids being thrown up in the air.  Gemma really, really, really enjoyed this.

Gemma also enjoyed stomping in mud puddles, which was awesome in my book.

And, of course, I had to get a few photos of Addie and Drew before we left.

 Thanks for letting me take photos of your family, Addie and Drew!  I had a great time.