Mike, Aldo, & Skootles the Cat – Northeast Harbor Couples Portraits
Mike & Aldo, whose Asticou Inn wedding in Northeast Harbor filled me with so much joy last fall, reached out to me via email with a question. They were planning to visit MDI around Memorial Day weekend, and they’d be bringing their cat, Tuna, more affectionally known as Skootles, with them on vacation. Skootles, they told me, has been battling cancer and her dads have been doing everything in their power to give her a comfortable life. There was no telling how much longer Skootles would be in Mike and Aldo’s lives, and so they wondered- would I do a portrait session in Northeast Harbor with the three of them? They then proceeded to send me the cutest family photo and the moment I laid eyes on it I knew I had to do it, even though I have almost no experience photographing cats. It would be, I figured.. an experience! Little did I know that it would be an experience I would never forget.
I met with Mike & Aldo at the Asticou Inn, and after I gave them big hugs, I said hi to Skootles, who was very curious and ready to pose. I thought I’d need to earn her trust, but she was unafraid to look right into my lens and start the session off immediately. She was such a good sport! She eventually became a bit bored of me, and getting her attention became harder, but Skootles was a very very good girl and made me proud. I’m not sure if I’ve ever had so much fun at a portrait session before!
Here’s a few favorite photos of our time together. Enjoy!