Orono Maine Headshot Portraits | Brianna
Brianna was one of my 2012 brides, and I knew, from our first meeting, that we were going to be friends. We’ve spent a lot (and somehow, not enough) time together– not only have I created her engagement portraits and photographed her wedding, but I’ve spend many lovely lazy hours over dinner with her, her husband, Chris, and Tony. I adore her and Chris, and I feel so lucky that I have clients who often become good friends.
I was excited when Brianna, who is currently finishing her Ph.D. in food science and nutrition, asked me to do her headshots. We did a short session around UMaine on the most amazingly sunny and warm day, where I couldn’t help but exclaim over the fact that I was wearing a sleeveless top outside and wasn’t freezing. Seriously– Maine spring and summer make up for our miserably depressing winters.
Here are a few of my favorites from our mini session. Brianna, you look fabulously professional!